Just bought a journal a few days back & was going through an old one I got when I was in Peru a few years ago. It amazes me how much has changed these passed few years- its funny because you think you know exactly what you want, but life changes, we change. We grow, we branch out. I need to re-do my bucket list, *idea for next post ;) woo! neways
Had an eye-opening conversation last night in the midst of our Wed. Lifted night chaos. Lesson learned, ALWAYS have a back up plan, or something to fall back on...damn it & I knew this, lived by this but then the passed couple years I guess you could say I learned how to let go and LIVE. and no I dont regret anything- everything that happened to me had a purpose and its starting to make sense...I dont usually put myself out there like this for the world to read, but I just had to get this off my chest somewhere-
Guess my words of advice for whoever's reading are-
You dont have to live according to what society maps out your life to be, do what you love- but definitely maintain exit routes that'll still sustain you in the long run and not just lead you to a solid dead end. Don't rely on just one plan. Its fun to live on the edge, but keep a backbone. Dont be too proud, be smart.

:-) Puga
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