Sunday, July 31, 2011
Just as the sun began to retire its luminous horizons on this gorgeous Sunday evening, I was blessed enough to capture these images and the last bit of summer warmth on my skin as I was out by the lake earlier. & despite the simplicity of these images, Im sure this moment will forever be imprinted in this little boys memories-
Countless moments end with every nightfall, but the memories remain forever.
Reminisce in Aeturnum.
(July 31, '11 *Fishing w/ dad =] ) -captured this moment a little earlier when I went out to the lake for a bike ride =) ...Happy Sunday.
oh n Happy Birthday Day to my pops, <3
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
This is what we do every Wednesday @ Ivy in San Antonio.
Rooftop, Babes, Bass, Sweat.
Rooftop, Babes, Bass, Sweat.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Im just going to come come out of my comfort zone and talk to you. REAL TALK.
Ive come to terms that you cant ever please everyone....especially when you are involved working in the night scene.
I never really quite understood what some of my friends who've been at it for years meant when they said it was like living a double life. Until now.
People are so quick to judge every step you make, every action, every word...always analyzing.
You just have to come to terms with knowing and realizing that sometimes the more successful you are the more envious some people get and some will jump on any opportunity to take a low blow, point a finger and take advantage of you. Theres some really nasty people out there.
But then again, there's also real genuine people- people who want to help...that are doing whatever it is they do for the pure love and passion of it. Be smart, pick your friends wisely.
Surround yourself with people who see passed all the bullshit and are able to put that aside and appreciate you for the real person you are. The ones that are able to recognize your talent but still be able to push all that bogus glitz and glam to the side and even call you out on your bullshit when you start acting like a diva haha
Ive been posting some pretty crazy chit online...& honestly the feedback I get is funny. & interesting...
Theres so many points of views, opinions, etc... some people laugh, some get offended, some get straight up pissed, but most dont care...I dont care. but do remember that when I post shit like "babes, come party...yada yada yada" its all in good fun- if you dont like it, srry- but GET OVER IT and get out. ha I dont have time to deal with negative energy. Have some humor though and realize that most of the stuff you read online is only what people want you to see anyways. Whether it be just to grab your attention to promote, etc...its essentially what you want the world to see- facebook, tumblr, twitter, etc all those networks allow you to express yourself and project an image. Haha makes you realize we are all so damn nosy!
idk, man... thats the irony, a lot of what I post is an exaggeration of my rambunctious side...and I want to thank and remind everyone around me at this point of my life who is aware of that and still loves & respects me for me.
Point is babiez, dont believe everything you see on the interwebz...theres more to life than what you read on here.
On that note, here's some good music I wanna share with you...oh and titties for Tuesday.
Disco Disco woooo!
Ive come to terms that you cant ever please everyone....especially when you are involved working in the night scene.
I never really quite understood what some of my friends who've been at it for years meant when they said it was like living a double life. Until now.
People are so quick to judge every step you make, every action, every word...always analyzing.
You just have to come to terms with knowing and realizing that sometimes the more successful you are the more envious some people get and some will jump on any opportunity to take a low blow, point a finger and take advantage of you. Theres some really nasty people out there.
But then again, there's also real genuine people- people who want to help...that are doing whatever it is they do for the pure love and passion of it. Be smart, pick your friends wisely.
Surround yourself with people who see passed all the bullshit and are able to put that aside and appreciate you for the real person you are. The ones that are able to recognize your talent but still be able to push all that bogus glitz and glam to the side and even call you out on your bullshit when you start acting like a diva haha
Ive been posting some pretty crazy chit online...& honestly the feedback I get is funny. & interesting...
Theres so many points of views, opinions, etc... some people laugh, some get offended, some get straight up pissed, but most dont care...I dont care. but do remember that when I post shit like "babes, come party...yada yada yada" its all in good fun- if you dont like it, srry- but GET OVER IT and get out. ha I dont have time to deal with negative energy. Have some humor though and realize that most of the stuff you read online is only what people want you to see anyways. Whether it be just to grab your attention to promote, etc...its essentially what you want the world to see- facebook, tumblr, twitter, etc all those networks allow you to express yourself and project an image. Haha makes you realize we are all so damn nosy!
idk, man... thats the irony, a lot of what I post is an exaggeration of my rambunctious side...and I want to thank and remind everyone around me at this point of my life who is aware of that and still loves & respects me for me.
Point is babiez, dont believe everything you see on the interwebz...theres more to life than what you read on here.
On that note, here's some good music I wanna share with you...oh and titties for Tuesday.
Disco Disco woooo!
Monday, July 25, 2011
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Sunday, July 17, 2011
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” ~Mark Twain
“We may explore the universe and find ourselves, or we may explore ourselves and find the universe. It matters not which of these paths we choose.” ~Diana Robinson
I remember growing up & getting caught up in a mid-teen crisis once ha, typical jr. high school girl drama -all that nonsense. Anyways, that doesnt matter though in the midst of all that petty shit- what does matter is... there was a woman, my dance coach- who pulled me aside grabbed a globe and told me to point to where I was standing on the globe. So I did, then she pointed out to me & made me realize how small and insignificant it was to waste so much time and energy in that one place when I had the whole globe to explore. She told me not to ever get caught up in small town crisis bc there was always something bigger out there, to always look at the big picture. Ill never forget that moment- 7th grade.
In the movie Where the Wild things Are I also really like the scene where they zoom in on the globe in Max's room & it reads something like -"Max's world to explore...or something along those lines" whatever point is...its true. Always keep in mind that there is more to this world than the place you live in....there's more to life than the clothes you wear, and the car you drive...fuck materialism...fuck brand names...Ultimately, no one cares at the end of the day. Get out and explore this world. You only live once & honestly I bet anyone can vouch for me when I say traveling has to be one of the most enriching ways to learn about different cultures. Submerge yourself in an entirely different world outside your comfort zone, you'll be glad you did.
Here is my list of things I want to try and see or do in my lifetime:
-feel free to add or comment. =)
1. Go back to Machupichu & complete the 4day Inca Trail hike.
(yes daz me in WaynuPichu- Temple of the stars that overlooks MachuPichu, jic u were wondering C= )
2. Cliff Dive in Red Rocks Park, Vermont
3. Explore lava tubes in Hawaii
4. Swim w/ sting rays in Tahiti
5. See the pyramids & Great Sphinx of Giza in Egypt
6. Visit the Great Wall of China
7. Own a '76 Stingray Corvette
8. Bungee jump & Skydive
9. Be in the Rockefeller Center in New York City during the Christmas tree lighting ceremony
10. Be in Mt. Rushmore during the 4th of July and see the fireworks go off there
11. See the Aurora Borealis
12. Venture the countryside of Tuscany
& eat tons of olives & visit wineries...
13. Go back to Spain and buy a house in Oviedo
14. Go to GREECE!!!! I could go on forever w/ all I want to see here!!
15. Go to the gran carnival de Brazil
16. Visit Frida Kahlo's ashes in La Caza Azul in Coyoacán
“We may explore the universe and find ourselves, or we may explore ourselves and find the universe. It matters not which of these paths we choose.” ~Diana Robinson
I remember growing up & getting caught up in a mid-teen crisis once ha, typical jr. high school girl drama -all that nonsense. Anyways, that doesnt matter though in the midst of all that petty shit- what does matter is... there was a woman, my dance coach- who pulled me aside grabbed a globe and told me to point to where I was standing on the globe. So I did, then she pointed out to me & made me realize how small and insignificant it was to waste so much time and energy in that one place when I had the whole globe to explore. She told me not to ever get caught up in small town crisis bc there was always something bigger out there, to always look at the big picture. Ill never forget that moment- 7th grade.
In the movie Where the Wild things Are I also really like the scene where they zoom in on the globe in Max's room & it reads something like -"Max's world to explore...or something along those lines" whatever point is...its true. Always keep in mind that there is more to this world than the place you live in....there's more to life than the clothes you wear, and the car you drive...fuck materialism...fuck brand names...Ultimately, no one cares at the end of the day. Get out and explore this world. You only live once & honestly I bet anyone can vouch for me when I say traveling has to be one of the most enriching ways to learn about different cultures. Submerge yourself in an entirely different world outside your comfort zone, you'll be glad you did.
Here is my list of things I want to try and see or do in my lifetime:
-feel free to add or comment. =)
1. Go back to Machupichu & complete the 4day Inca Trail hike.
(yes daz me in WaynuPichu- Temple of the stars that overlooks MachuPichu, jic u were wondering C= )
2. Cliff Dive in Red Rocks Park, Vermont
3. Explore lava tubes in Hawaii
4. Swim w/ sting rays in Tahiti
5. See the pyramids & Great Sphinx of Giza in Egypt
6. Visit the Great Wall of China
7. Own a '76 Stingray Corvette
8. Bungee jump & Skydive
9. Be in the Rockefeller Center in New York City during the Christmas tree lighting ceremony
10. Be in Mt. Rushmore during the 4th of July and see the fireworks go off there
11. See the Aurora Borealis
12. Venture the countryside of Tuscany
& eat tons of olives & visit wineries...
13. Go back to Spain and buy a house in Oviedo
14. Go to GREECE!!!! I could go on forever w/ all I want to see here!!
15. Go to the gran carnival de Brazil
16. Visit Frida Kahlo's ashes in La Caza Azul in Coyoacán
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Crazy how life works out
"Sometimes things fall apart, so that better things can fall into place."
Just bought a journal a few days back & was going through an old one I got when I was in Peru a few years ago. It amazes me how much has changed these passed few years- its funny because you think you know exactly what you want, but life changes, we change. We grow, we branch out. I need to re-do my bucket list, *idea for next post ;) woo! neways
Had an eye-opening conversation last night in the midst of our Wed. Lifted night chaos. Lesson learned, ALWAYS have a back up plan, or something to fall back on...damn it & I knew this, lived by this but then the passed couple years I guess you could say I learned how to let go and LIVE. and no I dont regret anything- everything that happened to me had a purpose and its starting to make sense...I dont usually put myself out there like this for the world to read, but I just had to get this off my chest somewhere-
Guess my words of advice for whoever's reading are-
You dont have to live according to what society maps out your life to be, do what you love- but definitely maintain exit routes that'll still sustain you in the long run and not just lead you to a solid dead end. Don't rely on just one plan. Its fun to live on the edge, but keep a backbone. Dont be too proud, be smart.
Just bought a journal a few days back & was going through an old one I got when I was in Peru a few years ago. It amazes me how much has changed these passed few years- its funny because you think you know exactly what you want, but life changes, we change. We grow, we branch out. I need to re-do my bucket list, *idea for next post ;) woo! neways
Had an eye-opening conversation last night in the midst of our Wed. Lifted night chaos. Lesson learned, ALWAYS have a back up plan, or something to fall back on...damn it & I knew this, lived by this but then the passed couple years I guess you could say I learned how to let go and LIVE. and no I dont regret anything- everything that happened to me had a purpose and its starting to make sense...I dont usually put myself out there like this for the world to read, but I just had to get this off my chest somewhere-
Guess my words of advice for whoever's reading are-
You dont have to live according to what society maps out your life to be, do what you love- but definitely maintain exit routes that'll still sustain you in the long run and not just lead you to a solid dead end. Don't rely on just one plan. Its fun to live on the edge, but keep a backbone. Dont be too proud, be smart.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Monday, July 11, 2011
Texas has SWAG, check it.
Check out these photos. Right Mrrreeeeeowww.
Terravita - Teach me how to Dougie (LeDoom Mix) by LeDoom
Bro Safari ft LeDoom - Tempora by El Cuco Recordings
Bust It Wide Open (Crizzly Remix) *CLICK BUY THIS TRACK FOR FREE DL* by Crizzly
Tthhee Ppaarrttyy feat. Uffie (Crizzly Remix) by Crizzly
Check out these photos. Right Mrrreeeeeowww.
Terravita - Teach me how to Dougie (LeDoom Mix) by LeDoom
Bro Safari ft LeDoom - Tempora by El Cuco Recordings
Bust It Wide Open (Crizzly Remix) *CLICK BUY THIS TRACK FOR FREE DL* by Crizzly
Tthhee Ppaarrttyy feat. Uffie (Crizzly Remix) by Crizzly
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